
This is a wool related post.  Mostly I want to mention that PLY magazine will send you a free copy of their Fine Spinning issue coming out in June–if you have a US address.  (I’ve had an article accepted for this issue…if you want to read it…..)  I hope all spinners (or aspiring spinners) who haven’t read this beautiful magazine will take advantage.

The following are editor, Jacey Boggs, words on how to get your copy:

“There are still so many people that haven’t heard of PLY!

I’m doing a free 1-issue trial for the next issue. It’s just for new readers in the US (we can’t yet afford to pay the shipping for trials outside the US) and if they sign up, they’ll get the next issue sent from the printers free, as a trial. We really hope after they see it they’ll want to subscribe!

go herehttps://checkout.subscriptiongenius.com/plymagazine.com/?

and input the code: NEWEYES.

that’s it! They’ll get the next issue (the fine issue, early june) to see if they like it!”

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